
By Gaurdasi -  (Original article in Bangla in The Harmonist January 2002) 

Om Vishnupad 108 Tridandi Swami Sri Srimat Bhakti Sravan Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ki Jai!!


Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayate


On the 28-29th Magh and 1st Falgun 1394 (Bengali calendar)
(12-14th February 1988) 
At Dhaan Haat Maidan, Batkulla, Nadia District

A Grand Kirtan Sammelan on the ancient Braj Leela tradition of kirtan
 propagated by Lord Sri Gauranga will be held. 

Sarva Shri Nandakishore Das, Panchanan Das, Santosh Kumar Vaidya, Anil Biswas, Ramakrishna Das, and the Maestro of Kirtan Shri Gopal Das Babaji Maharaj and other renowned kirtan specialists’ participation is anticipated

The ancient traditions of Kirtan propagated by Shri Gaursundar and His Associates are in imminent danger of disappearance. Under the guidance and presence of Sri Srimat Bhakti Sravan Teerth Goswami Maharaj, the Founder of Sri Gauranga Ashram, these lost traditions will be revived and will regain their glory. 

After the resounding success of the historic pada-yatra from Kharagpur to Puri and from Puri to Rameshwaram conducted by Sri Srimat Bhakti Sravan Teerth Goswami Maharaj, He has been inspired to hold this 3-days’ long continuous Braj Leela kirtan. 

Your benign presence is requested on this grand occasion.


Batkulla, Nadia Committee Members
1 January 1988                                           Braj Leela Kirtan Mahotsava


On 11th February 1988, Maharaj went to Balai da’s house in Batkulla. Under his leadership a grand 3-day Akhand Leela Sankirtan Mahotsav was successfully held in Batkulla Bazar. 

20 days prior to the inauguration of the festival, Maharaj had come to Batkulla and summoned all his devotees and disciples and expressed his desire to hold a programme on the ancient kirtan traditions of Bengal. He said that there was a need to have an Akhand Leela Kirtan programme in Batkulla with the participation of renowned leela kirtan singers. The aim was to revive the ancient kirtan traditions which were fast disappearing over time. Maharaj asked the assembled devotees for their opinions and suggestions. Sri Gopal Das Babaji of Behrampur was also present in the meeting. 

One of the devotees said, “Baba this is an excellent proposition. By your grace this programme will surely be conducted successfully. It is our great good fortune”. Another devotee asked, “What will be the cost of such an undertaking? And how will the funds be raised?” One of the very dear devotees of Maharaj said, “Baba this is a land of the poor. How will it be possible to raise ₹80,000 locally?” Maharaj replied, “This is the Lord’s work. There will be no shortage of money. He will take care. Now hear the story of the padayatra from Puri to Rameshwaram”. Maharaj then started speaking in his mellow voice.

“On 2nd of June 1985, one day before the start of the padayatra, there was a meeting held in the Radha Kant Math (Gambhira) in Puri. Initially it was decided that the entire expenses of the pada-yatris would be borne by the Math. Several leading citizens of Puri including an Orissa government minister were present in this meeting”. 

“When the meeting was going on, the Head of the Radha Kant Math leaned and whispered into my ear that he needed to speak urgently with me. I replied, ‘Please speak openly in front of everyone here’. He said the Radha Kant Math committee had informed him that they would not be able to bear the expenses of the pada-yatris. The yatra was scheduled to start the next day - and this news one day before! The minister assured us that the Orissa government will help in this historic event”. 

I said, ‘We do not need the help of anybody. We shall beg (bheeksha) in the name of the Lord during the padayatra’. The yatra reached Rameshwaram after three months. By the Lord’s grace, 15,000 yatris partook prasad during this time. Some miraculous incidents also took place during the padayatra. Listen to a few of them now”.

“I could not be present physically all the time in the padayatra as I had to attend to various responsibilities in Bhubaneswar and other places. One day on a scheduled stop of the padayatra where arrangements had been made for the yatris’ boarding and lodging, the local committee members ran away after seeing the number of people in the yatra. They did not anticipate such huge numbers. The working committee members managing the yatra, began to discuss what to do as even Guru Maharaj was not present. Approximately Rs.11,000 was needed right then. A lady came forward from amongst the yatris and said, ‘If you can organise a car, I can immediately arrange for the funds’. A car was arranged and the woman got in and left. She went to the town, sold her gold ornaments, returned and handed over Rs.11,000/- to the committee members. That day’s prasad and other necessities were taken care of”.

“I joined the padayatra the next day and heard about the lady’s act. However, no one knew of the fact that she had sold her ornaments to raise the money. Nobody told me about this. I don’t know what came into my mind, but I called the lady and we both went to that jeweller’s shop (where she had sold her gold). I told the shopkeeper, ‘This good lady sold her ornaments for the pada-yatris’ seva, but I feel very bad about it. Hence I request you to kindly return her jewellery.’ I had no money but nevertheless I just said this to the shopkeeper. The master of the shop said, ‘I am greatly blessed that You have come to my shop. See, I have kept the newspaper clipping of your photo in my shop. We also have a duty to support the sankirtan pada-yatris. I shall return the lady’s ornaments. You do not have to pay anything’. Saying this the shopkeeper not only returned the woman’s ornaments, but also gave me an additional Rs.30,000 for the pada-yatris’ seva. And that good woman not only got her jewellery back, but also got the Lord’s grace and mercy”. 

“Another time (while the padayatra ongoing), I was travelling with a police officer and his wife in a car. After a while the officer’s wife said that she was feeling hungry. The officer rebuked his wife saying, ‘Here we are travelling with Baba and you’re not even ashamed to say you’re hungry?’ I said, ‘What is wrong in that? Please stop somewhere and eat something, I shall wait in the car’. The officer and his wife halted at a sweet shop and went to get something to eat. Presently, I don’t know what occurred to me, I too got out of the car and went to that shop. The shopkeeper came running to me and said, ‘See swami ji, I have kept your photo from the newspaper in my shop and I was thinking how wonderful it would be if you came and placed your lotus feet in my shop. How fortunate I am that you have actually come to my shop! Kindly accept this small amount (of money) for the sankirtan padayatra and bless me with your grace’. Saying this the shopkeeper gave me Rs.40,000 and prostrated. 

“Yet again one day I had gone to a place where no arrangements had been made for the pada-yatris and I had no money with me either. There was a temple of Goddess Sarva-Mangala there. I went into the temple and prayed, ‘Mother, will the pada-yatris go hungry here in your place? If only I could provide them with even  a little water…!’ Then I went and sat down outside. In a short while I saw the local villagers coming towards the temple each carrying a tender coconut as well as a fresh coconut. Soon a mound of coconuts collected there and I thought they would begin to place the coconuts on my head itself!’ I handed each yatri a tender coconut to drink and fresh coconut to eat. Then a couple came forward, prostrated and handed me an envelope containing Rs.30,000 in it. Many other similar incidents took place. So you see I did not start the padayatra with any money in my hands! The Lord gets His own work done.”

“At the end of the three month long padayatra, the yatris needed to return to their respective destinations by train. There were 15,000 yatris and I was perspiring thinking where would the money for their travel come from? Just then, the renowned film actresses Jayaprada and Sridevi each gave me Rs.100,000 and ₹50,000 respectively. That day I distributed the money like a King to the yatris.”

Hearing these anecdotes the devotees present became silent. An Utsav Committee was formed and Maharaj returned to his Kolkata ashram. 

On 11th February 1988 Maharaj, accompanied by a group of devotees arrived in Batkulla. Maharaj’s frequent visits and his prolonged stays transformed Balai da’s house into an ashram. So many devotees received initiation here and came under the shelter of Maharaj. Each and every speck of dust in that place is sacred. 

A big sign-board was put up at the venue of the programme saying “Braj Leela”. Three beautifully decorated singhasan (thrones) were also prepared. Sri Gaursundar Nityananda  and Shri RadhaGovinda were seated on two of the thrones. These two pairs of beautifully carved clay figures were made in Krishna Nagar. On the third singhasan, showering his benign grace, the cynosure of all eyes, the fountainhead of devotion and bliss, Maharaj himself was seated.

Countless people from far flung towns and villages had come to attend the festival. Maharaj’s disciples and devotees from many parts of West Bengal, Delhi, Madras, Rourkela, Bhubaneshwar etc., had also come. From Kolkata’s Chitpur Maharaj’s dear disciple Nirmal Malakar the owner of a 100 year old flower business had decorated the dais and the thrones very beautifully with hundreds of flowers. 

Sri Gopal Das Babaji and his son Kanu were also present. Also present was the 80 years’ old doyen and guru of kirtan singers Shri Nanda Kishore. Famous singers like Panchanan Das, Ramakrishna Das and Anil Das were also present. The audience was enthralled to hear their divine rendition of Leela kirtan as were the performers by Maharaj’s presence and blessings. 

Sitting at Maharaj’s lotus feet and engaging in banter with him, the artists experienced the highest limit of bliss. They also told Maharaj of their own personal issues and sought his advice. Where would they find such a compassionate personality who listened to their problems and removed their sorrows?  

Maharaj had photographs taken with all of them individually and collectively. As per the wish of the artists, photographs were taken with his hands on their heads, or on their shoulders or with them touching his lotus feet. Waves of joy surged through everyone’s hearts. A deluge of supreme bliss flooded the little-known village of Batkulla. Besides this, some devotee asked for and received Sri Narsingh Bhagavan’s prasad, or kavach and other prasadi items from Maharaj. The sight of his graceful face, the touch of his lotus feet and his nectarine words gave unlimited joy to all present. 

As for me, I was in a quandary whether to go and hear the Leela kirtan or sit near him and listen to his ambrosial talks. When Maharaj had his seva and rest, I would go and listen to the Leela kirtan and again run back to Balai da’s house to be with Maharaj. 

Arrangements for serving prasad to the special guests were made in Balai da’s house. The committee had made appropriate arrangements for prasad distribution to the rest of the performers at the venue. I heard that the fees of the leela kirtan singers (approx ₹40,000) were paid by Maharaj and the other expenses were borne by the Committee.

On the last night of the festival, Maharaj distributed dhoti, kurta and ganji to all the singers and musicians. The whole night was spent taking photographs and distributing clothing items. By the time the last pranam was over, it was dawn. Those days will never again come in our lives. 

On 14th February Maharaj was sitting surrounded by his devotees. A woman took a kavach for her daughter from Maharaj. Her daughter did not have any children even after eight years’ of marriage. Another family had come from Howrah. Maharaj asked the daughter-in-law of that family, whose name was Beauty, to come and sit near his lotus feet. He told her, “On my birth anniversary festival on 3rd March, you must donate 2 kgs of ghee”. Sitting a bit away, I interjected, “Her husband does not have a job now. The factory where he used to work closed down six months ago.” Maharaj seemingly bit his tongue and said, “Oh I didn’t know that! So how are you managing Ma?” Beauty replied “By your grace, somehow we are managing..” Maharaj then said, “In that case, you do not have to give the ghee.” Beauty said, “So what, Baba. You have said it and I shall surely give it”. She donated the ghee on Maharaj’s birth anniversary festival. Her husband got his job back when the factory reopened again after a month. 

In the context of collecting items needed for the festivals from devotees Maharaj once said, “I am like a bumblebee collecting nectar…” 

Shri Guru Jai

Madhuram Madhuram Madhuram Pranaami Gaur Hari Sravan Tirtha padam. 

Jai Guru !!

Jai Jai Sri Radhey !!